About Quintellex

My mission is to make web design a profitable investment for you.

I aim to become someone you can trust to get visitors to give you their money instead of being one that almost runs you into the ground.

This isn’t just marketing talk either. Here are some problems and fears that might sound familiar to you when looking for great web design:

X in a speech bubble representing diagreement


Agencies just don’t listen to your dreams and try to design your website like your competitors

a question mark in a circle


They take advantage of your knowledge gap to hide their own lack of knowledge.

a hand with a coin with down arrows


They have you spend thousands of dollars on SEO work only to get peanuts to show for it.

a big gear near a little gear.


The agency you hire is a national corporation and can barely answer to your needs.

a fire image representing money burnt

The Truth to Never Burning Money With Web Design is... Never Making Design & SEO The Only Focus!

As a marketer this might seem counter intuitive. However, the truth to optimizing websites isn't creating flashy and appealing designs.  

To prove my point: when was the last time you bought something online because you thought the website looked cool?

Probably never- and that's why the web design business is filled with so many unhappy customers starved for more calls, customers and clients- it's because they can't persuade people into thinking they are different from their competitors!

However you can always have the power of persuasion and good web design. It's like fertile oil and sunshine. One can't work without the other.

Here's How I Get You Results in 3 Ingredients:


I get to know your business

This is how I get to know the little and big details about your business that can push people to buy from you instead of your competitors.


Content First, Design Second

This is where many agencies fail. I careful plan out how we'll write about your business on the website. I then tailor great design after.


Constant and Close Communication

I keep close online or in-person communication with you so it's easy as possible make changes when we need to.

Get a Free Website Sample!

quintellex's red and orange logo

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Fill out the form below and I will get back to you with a free sample based on your industry.

No costs, no obligations, no annoying sales pitch. Guaranteed.

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